It’s not uncommon for your pet to have allergies, just as people do. What kind of allergies, the symptoms they produce, and ways to treat them vary from pet to pet. If you suspect your pet may be suffering from allergies, you’ll want to consult your veterinarian to discuss a plan of action. We’ve complied some tips and information to help you identify and understand allergies in your pet.

Common symptoms
If you’ve noticed excessive itching, watery eyes, rashes, hives, coughing, sneezing, or runny nose; your pet likely has an allergy. Allergies can come from different sources in your pet’s environment; foods, pollens, shampoos, chemicals, and many, many more. The most common symptoms of plant allergens may be wheezing, sneezing, watery or itchy eyes, coughing and more. For food allergies, your pet’s symptoms may include those of plant allergies but also include vomiting, diarrhea, hives, and red/irritated skin.

How to identify the problem.
The easiest way it through blood or skin tests preformed by your veterinarian. These tests can help identify allergens based on immune response. It’s also important for you to keep a detailed accounting of your pets’ behaviors. Noting the times of day, or times of year, your pet has reactions can help pinpoint the culprit better.

If your pet has a food allergy, your veterinarian will likely recommend a specialized diet. It’s extremely important to stick with this diet and avoid giving handouts or table scraps to your pet. For allergies that aren’t able to be removed from the pet’s environment, topical or oral allergy medication may help to provide relief. Your veterinarian will discuss all treatment options specific to your pets needs.

Ways to help
If your pet is allergic to certain plants or trees, one way you can help is to replace them with something your pet will be able to tolerate. Frequently bathe your pet, removing the allergens from their body will help ease their suffering. After discussing your pet’s prognosis with your vet, they may recommend specialized or medicated shampoos to help ease your pet’s symptoms.

Allergies are a way of life for some pet’s, but don’t let that discourage you. With the proper course of treatment, you pet may be nearly symptom free. If you’re traveling with a pet that suffers allergies, never forget to bring along your My Pet Pail. My Pet Pail has extra storage to fit any specialized foods, treats, or medications. You’ll never be caught without your pet’s necessities.


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