Sentry. A sentry dog generally works alongside either military or civilian patrols and is trained to alert when strangers are approaching, or within the area he guards. Sentry dogs are especially invaluable at night, when potential attacks are more likely. Sentry dogs usually help to guard essential facilities (such as airfields, armories, industrial or treatment plants, and more). These dogs have been a vital, documented part of the military for over a half of a century.

Bomb, weapon and drug detection. Some service dogs are specially trained to alert at the detection of chemicals used in explosives. With the increased risk of individuals hiding explosive devices on their selves or in concealed cases, these dogs have been vital. Another detection dog commonly utilized is a weapons detection dog, who can sniff out concealed firearms. Since ammunition and guns have a distinct odor, these dogs are able to easily alert even if a weapon has not been used in some time. The most commonly known detection dog is a drug detection dog. Since canines are extremely sensitive to scents, it makes it nearly impossible to mask distinctive smells.

Search and Rescue. These dogs are trained to sniff out survivors during a catastrophe or individuals missing in the field. Search and recue dogs save precious time by detecting and alerting of survivors who can then be treated ASAP for potentially life-threatening injuries. The minutes saved by these dogs can literally be the difference between life and death. Since dogs are able to quickly maneuver through terrain that humans may not be able to, they can easily find survivors that would otherwise be missed.

Tracking and Scouting. The military uses tracking dogs to help track and locate outlaws or enemies. Once this type of dog is given the objective (scent) he uses his nose to lead him to the goal. Dogs instinctually track prey in the wild so they are already dis-positioned for this skill, the only difference is they are asked to track only a specific scent. Scouting dogs are important to the military because they detect and alert of booby traps and hidden enemies long before they can be seen by humans. These dogs can detect enemies from a great distance and are trained to silently alert.

Attacking enemies. An attack dog is specially trained to defend and attack on command. With a dog’s speed they can easily chase down and incapacitate potential threats. Most of these dogs are trained in environments where they are exposed to the sounds of explosives, gunfire, or other loud noises to increase their success in the field. Not only are attack dogs used in the military but they are also extremely prevalent in law enforcement.

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‘Twas the week before Christmas – A My Pet Pail Story

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The Doggy Bag Dispenser of Your Dreams

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Hiking with Dogs – Bring My Pet Pail

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Hiking With Your Pet – Packing List & Tips!

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Service Dogs – My Pet Pail

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Keep your pets safe this holiday season!

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Does Your Pet Suffer From Allergies?

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